Even though I'm not an expert, I still make an effort to eat healthy almost every day. Admittedly, I don't stick to this diet ALL the time, because it can become difficult during exam time, but it's the effort that counts. I think that if I just stick to this about 75-80% of the time and allow myself to also have treats on the side, then it's not that difficult to stay trim and healthy. Combine this with exercise (on which I will write a post at a later date), and you should be on your way to a healthy, but not restrictive, lifestyle.
I make a quick pot of plain oatmeal with milk, not water, and a few table spoons of brown sugar which you should be able to get at any world foods store. Then, depending on what fruits I have I might add some sliced banana or strawberries.
Generally I'll get my tiffin, which I like to think is healthy since it's "home cooked" food, but I still pour off any excess oil. If I don't eat my tiffin, then I might make a bit of pan fried chicken, since I don't have a grill or oven to cook it in a healthier way. All I do is take a piece of chicken breast and maybe put a rub on it or just put a bit of meat tenderizer on the chicken breast and fry it up, then eat it with a bit of ranch sauce and buffalo sauce for flavor. At this point in the day I will take another chicken breast and maybe marinade it so that the flavors will have soaked in to the meat by dinner time.
Depending on my mood, any preparation that I have done (ie: a marinade), and the amount of time I have available, I will again cook a chicken breast. If I don't, then I will most likely order something from a nearby restaurant, like a small Chinese dish, maybe with rice, or a kebab, which is incredibly tasty and extremely filling, I can only eat about half of an order. Usually I will only order if I am short on time due to exams, or too busy.
Usually if I get hungry in the day then I will eat a piece of fruit, like a banana or an orange (I try to avoid fruits whose skin you generally eat, just to make sure I don't catch any unnecessary bugs that might debilitate me). Otherwise, I will have a small serving of potato chips or Indian Namkeen, which are dry snacks. I also like to eat Nutella and sliced banana sandwiches, which are easy to make and just a half sandwich will fill you up easily.
Obviously, I don't stick to a regimented health plan of any kind and I allow myself to eat unhealthy foods all the time, but I love food and cannot imagine giving up some of my favorites just because something has "too many calories". Keep everything in moderation, and you should be just fine. Also, do not forget to drink lots of water, but be careful if you're just starting to exercise, drinking more water increases your blood volume and you have to be more careful and attuned to the signals your body is sending you during exercise, but I will address these concerns in a follow up post regarding my exercise plan and what I do to stay fit.
Note, make sure to take all precautions when dealing with raw meat, and especially try to see where your meat is coming from. It's always good to be aware of what you're putting in your body. In addition, consult a doctor before undertaking any sort of exercise especially if you have a pre-existing condition, including pregnancy.
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